Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day must be changing. We had only one student bow out and it was because of work, not a romance (so he says)! A cardamon or chocolate ganache heart from The Three Tarts in Chelsea replenished any calories burned in this session. Afterwards, some of us joined the 11 "Valentinos" - single people or couples who'd prefer not to argue over candlelight on Valentine's Day - to Henry's restaurant. Watch my video interview of Henry's

Back up a little! 

We got some nice new mats and blocks delivered from YogaDirect.com who have a massive range of yoga kit (as the Brits say). We re-reversed our rule about insisting people buy or bring a mat, and now provide them because it's just easier

This is how we like to end each session - with a bit of Karin's MELT technique using the roller. 

When you get off the roller, it feels amazing. Like lying in a trench, which is, believe it or not, quite appealing.

Try it!

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